19th Annual BLW
19th Annual British Legends Weekend
October 11th – 12th & 13th, 2019.
The CCBCC’s British Legends Weekend is rapidly becoming the premier car event for British Automobiles. A affordable weekend, packed with events, tech sessions and comradeship of all things British. One item that sets us apart from other shows is our awards.
Our awards are not mass produced, or purchased from a Catalog. They are hand made by local artisans here on Cape Cod. In fact our best of show award is so beautiful your wife will let you display it out in the open, not hidden in your office or your garage.
So register, and come see what makes CCBCC BLW a cut above many other British Car Shows in the North East.
A “Meet and Greet” on Friday night (free to all car show registrants), Saturday activities including Tours and an evening Dinner and a British car show on Sunday at the Plymouth Municipal Airport. More details to follow, but you won’t want to miss the 2019 BLW, so mark your calendars now !