SIGNATURE EVENT: Freezin' Fun Run 4 Kids- 11/08/25 - Save the Date!!

08nov9:00 am3:00 pmSIGNATURE EVENT: Freezin' Fun Run 4 Kids- 11/08/25 - Save the Date!!Driving Tour & Lunch for a Fund Raising Benefit for Independence House.9:00 am - 3:00 pm(GMT-05:00) View in my time Event Organized ByCape Cod British Car Club

Event Details


Come on out, have fun, and help us support the Independence House on Saturday, November 8, 2025.

The CCBCC Freezing’ Fun Run For Kids (FFR4Ks) is an exciting annual fundraising event for Independence House and a great social gathering for CCBCC where we come together for a cruise and a lunch and raise much needed funds for IH.  CCBCC is proud to have a 22 year old relationship with this highly respected non-profit service organization that provides much needed services to abused women and their families.  Last year’s FFR4Ks raised over $6,300 for Independence House.

Details will be coming about registration, driving tour, gift cards, silent auction, venue, etc. 


Driving Tour:
Lunch & Silent Auction Location:
Lunch Menu:

NOTE: this is a RAIN or SHINE event – there is no rain date – we will hold the event regardless of weather.  

Tradition demands that tops are down/off despite the temperature – that’s why it’s the Freezing’ Run.

(You can choose what transportation to bring if it’s raining/snowing.)


NOTE: if you cannot attend, please consider sending a donation to support Independence House.

You can do this by sending a check to the CCBCC, P.O. Box 1661, Sandwich MA 02563.  Make your check payable to Independence House and we will include it in our donation package to IH.  

Or, you can make a donation directly to IH ( or mail) and make a note that you are a part of the CCBCC fundraiser.


(Saturday) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm(GMT-05:00) View in my time