Board of Governors (BoG)

Board of Governors (BoG)

The Cape Cod British Car Club (CCBCC) is managed by a Board of Governors that is comprised of  the Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Clerk), 6 elected Members-at-Large, and the past President.  The Officers serve one-year terms and are elected annually. The members-at-large are elected to 2-year terms, with 3 persons each year so there is continuous leadership in place.  All positions are filled by members in good standing through an election process by the general membership at the Annual Meeting held in May.  For a description of position responsibilities and expectations, please click here.

Current BoG Members:

Officers: 2024/25 (elected annually to 1 – year term)

    President: Cameron Ferguson

    Vice President & Events Director: Todd Bruner

    Treasurer & Membership Director: Chris Mamakos

    Corporate Clerk & Tech Squad Director : Charlie Neves

Past President: Mike Dallaire

Members-at-large:  (2 year terms, expiry year shown)

Don Fletcher (2025)                        Drew Framson (2025)

Lori Furman (2025)                         Robert Furman (2026)

Jerry Wojcik (2026)                        Dan Schuder (2026)

The following are appointed positions (non-voting) and have responsibilities as each title indicates.

    Recording Secretary:  Bill Scott

    Marketing/Regalia:  Dave Marshall

    Communications/Webmaster:  open

    FaceBook Administrator: Lori Furman